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Our Programs

CP3 efforts help children safely exit foster care for permanent homes and help families reunite with their children.

CP3 is piloting efforts in Marion County.  In partnership with the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and with input from several community-based organizations, CP3 is focused on three program areas with high potential to support reunification and permanent placement of children who are in foster care.

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Marion County Pilot Programs


Stable Families

 Strong Communities 


Supporting Caseworkers - Family Engagment

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Chances of reunification and permanent placement increase when ODHS caseworkers spend more meaningful time with children and families. CP3 will help Marion County Child Welfare build a robust volunteer driver program to free up caseworkers from their driving duties so they can build strong relationships with children and families and expedite reunification.

Ensuring Child Safety

Safe at Home program

Child-family reunification begins with a trial period, during which time children’s safety must be ensured. Lack of safety assurance is often a barrier to reunification. Safe at Home mobilizes community members to volunteer as Family Partners to keep an eye on child safety during trial reunification with their birth family. 

Safe at Home

Safe at Home
Eating Cereal

 Healthy Families 

 Strong Communities 

Enabling Housing Stability

Housing stability provides the foundation for family success and is an ODHS requirement for family reunification.  CP3 worked with ODHS to help the Iron Tribe Network (ITN) secure funding to launch two group houses in Marion and Polk counties with a Peer Support Specialist to help tenants become self-sufficient.  This low-rent, low-barrier, clean and sober

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group housing allows mixed-gender residency with average tenancy of 9-12 months.  These features help provide a supportive and stable environment for parents recovering from addiction and a poor rental history who need stable housing to reunite with their kids and are unable to access affordable housing.  CP3 and ODHS are exploring other means of supportive housing to enable family reunification.

Supportive Housing

Supportive Housing

 Resilient Families 

 Strong  Communities


Supporting Caseworkers - Family Engagment

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Chances of reunification and permanent placement increase when ODHS caseworkers spend more meaningful time with children and families. CP3 will help Marion County Child Welfare build a robust volunteer driver program to free up caseworkers from their driving duties so they can build strong relationships with children and families and expedite reunification.

Keeping Families Together (KFT)

Keeping Families Together (KFT)  

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Replicating a Proven Supportive Housing Model

Based on discussions with public and private supportive housing actors and a review of successful models from other states, CP3 identified the Corporation for Supportive Housing's (CSH's) Keeping Families Together (KFT) as a promising model for replication in Marion County.  

KFT is a systems-collaboration approach where Child Welfare, Housing and Health system agencies pool resources to bring supportive housing to CW-involved families.  ODHS and CSH have agreed to pilot the model in Oregon.  The program will launch in Marion County in 2022. 

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The frequency of child-family visits is among the best predictors of family reunifications. Time together reinforces child-parent attachment and boosts family engagement in the journey to reunification. CP3 is helping Marion County Child Welfare build a robust volunteer driver program to increase the number of child-family visits and thus expedite family reunification.


Supporting Caseworker - Family Engagement

Image by National Cancer Institute

 Preserving Families 

 Strengthening Communities


For more information, email

Children's Public Private Partnership (CP3) is a 501c3.  FEIN: 84-3866406   1000 SW Broadway Suite 2400, Portland, OR 97205

Copyright (c) CP3 2025

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